I’d Like To Be Wise

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I’d like to be wise

Before I am old

I’d just like to know

Without being told

What I am here for

How much should I give

And who should I thank


The purpose of life

The meaning of art

The secrets of love

The key to your heart

Each time I reach out

The answer moves on

As if on a thread

To the future beyond


But what if we knew

The answer to give

Would always be true

As long as we live

There’d be no new thinking

How could we be free?

If life was so perfect

What good would that be?


So I guess if I knew

We never could tell

For we’d have to live

With the future as well

All we can hope is

To be there on hand

To answer the call

Whatever is planned


I’d like in my life

To do something right

To feel that I made

A difference tonight

Just to be sure

I did the right thing

Would lighten my heart

And happiness bring


I’d like to be wise

Before I am old

I’d just like to know

Without being told

What I am here for

How much should I give

And who should I thank

For letting me

Who should I thank

Forgetting me

Who should I thank

For letting me live


Words and Music ©Garvin Crawford


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